
Enter Session

If you are having trouble getting started, check out this guide!

Register new player:



Confirm password:

Email (optional):

Confirm email:

The Overseer Project uses these emails for the sole purpose of account recovery, should you forget your password. We will never give your email to any third parties, or send you anything without your permission. You can always change your email through the Player Settings page.

Enter session:

Session name:

Session password:

Disregard the above, put me in a random session!

(Only includes sessions that have opted in)

Player entry configuration:

Prototyping strength:

For a first time player, I recommend between 0 and 10. 999 represents the power of a First Guardian. Be aware that you can prototype post-entry as well, and the resulting power will not be applied to the enemies in your session.

Sprite name: sprite

First prototyping item:

Second prototyping item:

For your prototyping to succeed, you must enter a prototyping strength between -999 and 999, and your first prototyping item field must not be empty!

Client player:

(This can be left blank, you will have the opportunity to register a client afterwards)

Land of and

Grist category:

Dreaming status:

Copyright © 2013 Charat & The Overseer. All rights reserved.
Homestuck is copyright © Andrew Hussie.
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